Do not rub on the 'Wrong side'!!!

Do our bodies shape our thinking? Recent findings in psychology say yes to this!!! The preferences and the likes and dislikes of the right hander’s do differ from that of the left hander’s, says this study. These findings are not just of academic interest only, but of pragmatic applicability too.  A number of latest studies show that human beings associate their dominant side with Good and the non-dominant one with the bad. This results in us, in preferring objects or the people who happen to be on our Good side or the dominant side, over those which or who is on the non-dominant side of us. Thus if a person is the right hander, his dominant side is the right side to him and vice versa. The right hander associates the ‘right side’ with good and the ‘Left side’ with bad. Whereas the left hander’s do the other way round about. The study had observed the presidential candidates of the latest American elections (Kerry, Bush, Obama and McCain) making gestures with their dominant hands when making positive points and their non-dominant hands in order to emphadata-size negative matters.  Children as young as six display a handedness bias, thus proving this hypothesis. Kids were asked which animal in a series of cartoon pairs does look good for them. The right-handers amongst them have chosen more often, the drawing on the right side, and the left-handers more often have chosen the animal on the left. So, whenever you are taking an interview or meeting people; try to ensure that you chose the seat proximate to their dominant side, given you are sure of what their dominant side is. Good luck...Try making permutations and combinations of this idea...for better outcomes with the people in your life.  

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