Bhogi Pongal: All You Need to Know - Timings...

S Venkateshwari
Bhogi Pongal: All You Need to Know - Timings...

Bhogi is the name of the first day of pongal, one of the most celebrated holidays in India. The four-day harvest festival known as pongal 2023 will begin on january 14 and end on january 18. Among the four-day celebrations are the bhogi festival, Thai pongal, Mattu pongal, and Kaanum Pongal. The tamil calendar indicates that bhogi occurs on january 14.

Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and telangana are the main states where this harvest festival, also known as Pedda Panduga in a few regions, is observed. During the bhogi festival, people offer prayers to Lord Indra, the god of rain and clouds, in an effort to obtain his blessings for a plentiful harvest and prosperity.

Bhogi pongal Timings 

Bhogi pongal will be observed on january 14, 2023, on a saturday at 8:57 PM, as noted in the Drik Panchang.


On this day, people discard unwanted items and abandoned objects that have lost their utility. As part of the bhogi rite, people take an early wash and dress in new traditional attire. The houses' fronts are decorated with vibrant rangoli patterns and pumpkin flowers, or kolam. The rangoli patterns are also embellished with fresh cow dung, called gobbemmalu. 

Another option is to keep clay lights on top of the decor. Another significant tradition that is observed on the first day of pongal is bhogi Mantalu. Bonfires constructed of wood and other solid fuels are lit to carry it out.


Participants gather the night before pongal to build a fire out of wood and unwanted or abandoned goods and then set them on fire. women in new clothing perform songs, offer sandalwood paste and kumkum in the bonfires as sacrifices to the sun god and Mother Earth, and burn agricultural waste. Burning rubbish is a common symbol of letting go of the past and bringing in the future.

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