Ayodhya will be illuminated with 10 lakh Diyas..!?

frame Ayodhya will be illuminated with 10 lakh Diyas..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
ayodhya will be illuminated with 10 lakh Diyas..!?
The ram temple will be inaugurated on Monday, january 22, a historic event in Ayodhya. Following the Kumbabhishekam in ayodhya on january 22, around 10 lakh Akal lamps(Diyas) will be lit up across the city in the evening. Also, on the invitation of the government, "Ram Jyoti" will be lighted at all places like houses, shops, places of worship, historical places in Ayodhya. Earlier, diwali was celebrated by lighting lamps in ayodhya when Lord Rama returned from exile. Now, after the Kumbabhishekam, diwali is celebrated again by lighting the 'Ram Jyoti'. The yogi government, which has been organizing 'Deepotsav' for the past seven years, will once again decorate ayodhya with Akal lights on january 22, attracting the attention of the world with its divine glow.
Ever since it came to power in 2017, the yogi government has been organizing "Deepotsav" every year. In 2017, the government decorated ayodhya with 1.71 lakh Akal lights and for 2023 Dipotsav, a new record was set with 22.23 lakh Akal lights. The tourism department is making huge arrangements for this.
Lamps will be lit at 100 temples, important junctions and public places including ram temple, ram Ki Baidi, Kanak Bhavan, Hanuman Garhi, Gupdar Ghat, sarayu Ghat, lata mangeshkar Chowk, Maniram Das Sawani and other important places. The yogi government has urged the entire nation to celebrate this historic event as a festival. Following the Kumbabhishekam, every citizen is encouraged to light lamps in their homes in the evening. The government has appealed to people to illuminate not only their homes but also shops, commercial establishments (hotels, factories, mills, etc.), offices (government and private) and historical and religious places with lights.
Regional Tourism Officer RB Yadav noted that indigenously designed Akal Lamps to illuminate important temples and public places will light up 100 important temples and public places on the evening of january 22. The preparations for the event are complete. In line with the government's vision, locally designed tiyas will be used, and local pottery is involved in the supply. After the main ceremony, significant public participation will involve the community in large-scale celebrations in collaboration with the government.

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