What is Mindfulness


Mindfulness is one's ultimate challenge and practice. It is all about being aware of what’s happening in the present moment without wishing it were different. In simple terms, enjoy each moment without regretting or crying over it. In case of unpleasant experience, data-face it without fear that this will be away soon. 

A mindful living is a gradual reality. There is a secret to health for mind, body and soul. It is not to worry about the past or over think about the future. But to live the present peacefully. 

True wealth is the ability to experience the present moment with all heart. Negative thoughts are not your thoughts, they are an attachment to your thoughts. It is a belief which you have. Skip that. Your life will be more beautiful. Speak and act when its necessary. 

Doing something productive about it is the hard and worthwhile part. So avoid having rage. Life is too short.  Be positive. Always Don't look for others to live your life. It's your life and you don't need to get their permission.

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