You can read others minds !

Sekar Chandra
Everyone of us are psychics who have the potential to read others minds. Mostly we make some wild guesses about other person's thinking and feeling. There are some awesome tricks to read other people's minds. Mind reading is a common and easy thing for parents.

If the child does something wrong, the parent clearly finds out what is running through the child's mind. Similarly Mind reading is imperative in couples. We might be in a relationship with someone for a couple of years and we still don't know what is going through their mind.

This will clearly create a stress in the relationship as it is hard to know how they act. But still, time is a device which allow one to tap into another's brain. Scientists say that everyone has the potential to read minds. Few also believe that they discovered the roots.

The basic way to read other people mind is read their body language. This is one of the best way. Also notice the direction in which their knees are pointed. If the knees are turned towards you the other person is interested in your. If they are away, then you need to work hard to get their interest. Watch out this space for more such mind reading techniques.

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