Aquarius 2019 Horoscope

A new year, more changes!Uranus, your home planet, makes a big change this year. It's relatively slow moving (spending six to seven years in each sign), so it's a major event when it moves from fiery Aries into slowermoving Taurus in early March (which is it's fall position, meaning these two energies are pretty much opposite). Where Uranus likes to experiment, Taurus takes the traditional route. Uranus likes to be an innovator and Taurus says, "I'm good with tradition." Note its retrograde period beginning in mid-August and finishing out the year. Too many attempted outer changes result in the need for inner change. Take time out from your busy schedule to reflect on the lessons you may have missed recently.

Saturn is in Capricorn for the year, indicating a strong work ethic and the need to get serious about some things. Its retrograde period from late April to midSeptember is a reminder to not get too lost in your head. Beating yourself up over past mistakes is likely, but not everything is your fault, Aquarius. Give yourself a break and think positively!

Mars is always on a power trip but gets mellowed out somewhat when it moves into Libra's chill presence in October. This is a detrimental position, meaning they don't always play nicely, but you can take advantage of Libra's slightly more laidback vibe. This isn't the time to try to talk circles around anyone or pull any of your passive-aggressive stuff, though, Aquarius. The direct approach works best.

Couples Horoscope:

The year 2019 sees your more sensitive side.Venus rules your love life, and she doesn't go through any pesky retrograde cycles this year, which is good. A VenusUranus trine at the start of February gets you in the mood to try something new (even more than usual), and you love to experiment with all the latest gizmos and gadgets. Download a love quiz app to share with your sweetie, or visit some sexy online shops. You're honestly up for just about anything, and hopefully your partner is, too!

Mercury enters emotional Cancer in early June, so expect your feelings to come bubbling up to the surdata-face at any given moment. You aren't comfortable wearing your heart on your sleeve this much, but why repress the strong urge to tell your partner how you feel? A side effect of this transit can be extreme moodiness, so get ready for the upand-down roller coaster that is Mercury in Cancer!

And speaking of emotions, dreamy Neptune spends the year in sensitive Pisces, leading you to want to get close to your partner, not just emotionally and physically but spiritually, too. Your selfless side comes out and you have a deep need to connect on a spiritual level with the person you consider your soul mate. When Neptune retrograde starts at the end of June, you might be forced to see a truth about your relationship that's been hidden (or you've conveniently ignored) until now. Seeing things exactly as they are doesn't have to be a bad thing.

Money & Career Horoscope:

Look for the right opportunities to present themselves – because they will!Communication and information specialist Mercury enters sensitive Pisces in late February, making you more sensitive to work issues than you normally are. You usually let criticism roll off your back, but during this transit you tend to take things a lot more personally. Not to say you're paranoid, but you do feel like people are out to get you sometimes. Slightly. The good news is that you can rely on your intuition more, too, which helps guide you toward the right businessrelated decisions. This is especially helpful when trying to decide whether to take a new position at your current job or switch jobs altogether.

Moneyfocused Venus moves into smart, curious Gemini in early June, so you're excellent at investigating new business and moneymaking opportunities. You're into practicality, so you'll want to look at the bottom line before making your final decision. Gemini is the Twins, however, so you might also be fickle in some business ventures. Changing your mind and vacillating between yes and no can cause you to lose a lot of money and miss out on amazing opportunities, though, Aquarius, so try to stick with decisions once you make them.

When the full moon appears in your sign in the middle of August, you're ready to embrace your weirdness. Um, we mean your uniqueness! Look for those deals that everyone else has ignored – that's where the real gems are, Aquarius. You see things in people and opportunities that no one else sees, which gives you a huge advantage over your competition (you're great at finding those thrift store hauls, flipping houses, and spotting real vintage couture among costume junk). Just be you and the money will follow!

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