Chip crisis: A major Technological problem threatening the world...!

Sindujaa D N

The president of the world's leading chip design company has warned that those who have not already purchased the technology during the festive season may not get it on time.

Simon Checkers, chief executive of chip company ARM, says the gap between production and demand is "unprecedented".

He predicts that this unprecedented crisis is unlikely to be resolved by christmas 2022. He says the wait for an electrical card, sometimes called a chip, can take up to 60 weeks.

Globally, the tech world is in crisis with just 50 days to go before Christmas. Simon warned delegates attending the summit in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. “If you haven’t bought all your devices yet, you may be disappointed”.

"This has never been the case before"

ARM chips are used in many smartphones around the world. The company was acquired by UK-based NVIDIA last September.

But the acquisition is now under competitive scrutiny by the european Commission. Experts are concerned that Nvidia will do anything to curb the generous availability of ARM technology.

‘It’s complicated; Which could have a major economic impact '

Simon says corona infection is the most important cause of this problem. During the epidemic, there was a need for many different tools than ever before. 

People used technological devices to communicate with each other during the period when the general embargo was in force. The children had to be educated from home. Simon explains the problem that all of this required new tools.

This is also due to the sudden increase in demand for cars and geopolitical tensions between Asia and the West. The release of 5G, including US sanctions on huawei, have been cited as factor in the crisis.

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