Black Hole's first image in the Milky Way Galaxy..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Black Hole's first image in the Milky Way Galaxy..!?
The first image of a black hole discovered by the event Horizon telescope is rapidly going viral. In this case, the first image of our Milky Way galaxy (Black Hole) has just been released. The black hole (BLACK HOLE) is a powerful invisible vacuum found in the vast universe and space. This black hole has a high gravitational force. To any extent, any light that passes through it is powerful enough to attract it.
Astronomers have been doing a lot of research on this black hole. In this context, the National Science Foundation of the united states has released the first black hole image. In his twitter post, he said that researchers have captured the first image of the largest black hole in their Milky Way galaxy with the event Harrison telescope.
These black holes weigh 4 million times more than the Sun. It is 26000 light-years away from our Earth. Researchers have already named this black hole Sokitarus-A. That is 9.5 trillion kilometers from Earth.
The Milky Way galaxy has over 100 billion stars. Scholars say that all of these will be attracted to this black hole page at the end of its lifespan. The gravitational force in black holes is very strong. It is noteworthy that this is why even the light that goes into it cannot come back out.

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