YouTube Shorts popular in a Short Time..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
YouTube Shorts popular in a Short Time..!?
Apps with iconic videos are now known to be hugely popular around the world. YouTube, which is immediately remembered as a video app, launched an app called YouTube Shorts two years ago. It is noteworthy that in the short time since the launch of YouTube Shorts in 2020, this app has been very popular among people and users have been recording iconic videos with great interest.
At this point, as of april 2022, YouTube Shorts has received 30 billion views per day. Also worth noting is that the company recently launched a $ 100 million YouTube Shorts fund that pays creators up to $ 10,000 a month.
Shorts has shown a great deal of interest in recording video on this app, as it has funded video recorders on YouTube Shorts according to the nature of the video and its audience.
Alphabet CFO Ruth Borat said they were exploring ways to make more profit through YouTube shorts and were specifically asking for feedback from advertisers.
The YouTube shorts app is said to be planning to generate huge advertising revenue as it is gaining a huge audience. The number of its users is increasing day by day as the public has started to use the YouTube Shorts app in parallel to the tik tok app.

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