IRCTC New Rules for ticket booking..!

frame IRCTC New Rules for ticket booking..!

Sowmiya Sriram
IRCTC New Rules for ticket booking..!
Indian Railways has updated the ticket booking rules on the irctc website, as per these new rules passengers with children below 5 years of age will have to pay the full fare for booking tickets on the website. indian Railways will not charge fares for children below 5 years of age if the ticket is not booked. However, indian Railways and irctc have changed the reservation norms by adding child seats in trains. As mentioned on the irctc website, passengers have to pay the full fare for children between 1-5 years of age.
Children must select a berth with a child seat at the time of booking to receive free travel for children. As per Circular No. 12 issued by indian Railways dated 06.03.2020, children below 5 years of age do not require a reservation for travel and can travel without a ticket on the train without charge. However, if a berth is required, the full fare has to be paid by booking the ticket.
Railways have now implemented a system of allotting seats to children below 5 years of age while booking tickets at irctc and railway reservation booths at railway stations, till now only tickets for children between 5 to 11 years of age were allowed. According to this, if a child between the age of 5-11 years occupies a full berth, the full fare has to be paid to the Railways. Whereas if a full berth is not taken then only half of the ticket price has to be paid.
Children are free if 0-4-year-old berths are selected, otherwise full fare is charged. Children aged 5-11 years pay full fare if the full berth is selected, otherwise half and full fare for children above 12 years. To avail of the full discount on train tickets, you must book a train berth with a child seat.

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