Rs 7 crore business with a tea store...!

Sindujaa D N
Who doesn't enjoy a cup of tea? Millions of tamil Nadu's young people's tea is little more than tea. The tea businesses in our town were unaffected by any trendy coffee shop that came to town. This is why several international coffee shop chains are closing their doors. Realizing the popularity and supremacy of tea in tamil Nadu, Joseph Rajesh, a resident of a renowned village in Karur district, has turned to sell tea into a Rs 7 crore company.

His progress has astounded many people and brought hope to millions of young people. Who is he, exactly? What is his company's name? How is such rapid expansion possible...? Joseph Rajesh was born in Mochakottam Estate, a tiny village in the Karur district, to a middle-class family. His mother is a homemaker, and his father earns 8000 rupees each month working at a bus body shop. His brother is the tamil Nadu police Chief Constable.

House with 200 square feet Joseph Rajesh's family lived in a 200-square-foot house. Joseph Rajesh, who attended Convent school until class 5, has subsequently transferred to a government school because his father's salary was insufficient and he could not afford to pay Rs 300 per month. To help pay for his studies at Bishop Heber college in Trichy, Joseph Rajesh worked for a well-known handloom company in the Karur district, earning Rs. 500 per month. In 2006, he received his bachelor's degree in commerce from Bishop Heber college in Trichy. He cleared the examination for the position of SI in the tamil Nadu police after completing his undergraduate studies. The appointment order, however, did not arrive. Similarly, the examination results were held. Joseph Rajesh was disappointed, so he worked for three years as an MLM salesperson, selling beauty items and tourism ventures.

In 2012, Joseph Rajesh, who was earning Rs 42,000 per month but was unhappy with his employment, departed in 2016 and chose to start his own business. Joseph Rajesh arrived in chennai and launched a 100-square-foot Black Pekoe tea shop in Grand Mall. Joseph Rajesh launched the firm with just one person in the first store and generated significant profits, earning up to 8000 rupees each day.

Model of franchising

Because of the enormous success of this franchising concept, each store is now generating between Rs 40,000 and Rs 1 lakh each month. According to Joseph Rajesh, 13 women have now obtained Black Pekoe franchises and are earning up to Rs 5 lakh per month. They were granted franchise licences at subsidised rates to attract additional female workers.

Big Billion Foods' overall business has increased to 7 crore rupees in FY20-21 and is set to grow to 10 crore rupees in the current financial year, after starting in 2017 with an investment of just Rs. 7 crores. This year, Joseph Rajesh aims to open 60 new branches, according to him. For Rs 6 to 7 lakhs, interested IT and bank personnel can own a Black Pekoe franchise. There is also instruction on how to trade the interior, all of the store's contents, and the owners and staff. Many IT and financial employees, according to Joseph Rajesh, are interested in getting a franchise through this. people buy without concern because the cheapest high-end goods in one of these shops cost only Rs 10 to Rs 30.

Joseph Rajesh hopes to open 500 outlets and sell one million cups of tea every day. Joseph Rajesh was born into a middle-class household and has built a successful business. Hard work and a good idea are not sufficient in and of themselves.

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