A boy who impressed Elon Musk flies to America...!?
A small boy from warangal became eligible to attend Synthesis school, founded by Alan Musk, tesla CEO and Chief of SpaceX Company in America. A sixth-grade boy currently resides in Gopalpur, Warangal. father Vijay Paul is a government Teacher in Jafargarh, janagama District.
Their youngest son is Anik Paul, who qualified in Synthesis. The boy is currently a sixth-grader at the nearby government REC Pathak School.
The great thing about Synthesis school is that it wasfounded by Alan Musk, tesla CEO and Chief of SpaceX Company. The Synthesis school was founded on the premise that the current education system and teaching methods do not provide the right skills to the students.
It teaches 21st Century Technology-Based Teaching. Experiments are given high priority here.
Government teacher Vijay Paul, who came to know about the school, wanted to enrol his son in it.
In the first two rounds, Anik Paul was able to give easy answers. He then created and sent a video in response to another detailed problem. Finally conducted a data-face-to-data-face interview online.
There will be an opportunity to study with world-class teachers and staff up to Inter.
This skill is very rare and many children play video games online. Anik Paul, however, was persuaded by his father to start exploring how to create video games without leaving.