Dream 11: Poor Kashmiri youth becomes a millionaire overnight!!
A boy from a poor family of kashmir - SRINAGAR/JAMMU' target='_blank' title='jammu and kashmir-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">jammu and kashmir became a millionaire overnight. Named Wasim raja has won two crore rupees on the online fantasy platform Dream11. Named has won this award during the match of indian Premier League (IPL 2022).
Named Wasim, a resident of Shalagam village of Bijbehara, has become rich overnight. Named told that he was sleeping when the news came that he had become a millionaire. Named said, I was sleeping in a deep sleep late on saturday night. Some of my friends called me and told that I have come first on Dream-11.
Named's family is very poor
It was told about Named that he was trying his luck by forming a team on Dream-11 for a long time. Named, who belongs to a very poor family, said that this money will help his family a lot. For him, winning this money is like a dream come true.After winning the prize, Named said, 'Becoming a millionaire overnight is like a dream. This will help us to overcome poverty, because our family is very poor. When Named was asked what he would do with this money, he told that first of all he will get his ailing mother treated.