Are women safe during Covid19 Pandemic?
If you are planning to drink, do not drive. Don't let your drinking friends drive, either. Instead, choose a designated driver, hire a taxi, take public transportation or invite everyone to crash in your living room. Go easy on the alcohol, too. Pacing yourself prevents alcohol poisoning and ensures you can pay attention to your surroundings as you act smart and stay safe.
Appetizers, hors d'oeuvre and snacks keep the party going. Heat food adequately and refrigerate leftovers promptly, though, to prevent food poisoning. Check in with guests about possible food allergies, too, as you safely indulge in party foods. Whether you're a guy or gal, grab a friend and travel in a group for safety. Keep an eye on your surroundings, never go anywhere with strangers and never leave your beverage unattended. Leave your valuables at home and hold your phone and wallet.
Unfortunately, during a holiday that’s notorious for people going out and drinking, there are individuals that will take advantage of this situation.Make sure your cell phone is fully charged before leaving your house so you are able to stay in contact with someone. Try to travel in crowds with at least a few people you know and never accept a drink from a stranger. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to say something. If you feel uncomfortable with someone and think they may be a danger to you, alert the authorities. Even if police are not present where you are, most places with large crowds require professional security.