Who were those witches who came at night?

Kokila Chokkanathan

Who were those witches who came at night?

You must have heard a lot of stories of witches in your childhood. Often, to put children to sleep early at night, the elders of the house used to tell them scary stories, in which there were some witches who used to take away the children. But the night witches we are talking about today are not the ones who will take away children, but the ones who will put grown-ups to sleep in the dark of night. Let us tell you about them in detail in this article.

Who were those witches?

The night witches we are talking about today are called 'Night Witches' in English. These were not ghosts, but a group of some women soldiers who used to wreak havoc on the enemies on behalf of the Russian army. Actually, this group of women soldiers was from the Soviet Union All women 588 Bomber Regiment.

Their job was to drop bombs on Hitler's Nazi soldiers in the dark of night. They used to do their work so cleanly that by the time the enemy got a hint of their arrival, everything would have been destroyed. This is the reason why they have been recorded in history as Night Witches.

3 thousand tons of bombs were dropped on the enemies

According to the report of HistoryHit, the first mission of this regiment took place in 1942, in this mission, the Night Witches were given three 588th planes and they were told that they have to target the German division. This squad made its mission successful, but one of their planes crashed in this mission. It is said that during World war Two, the Night Witches completed 2400 missions. During this time, they dropped about 3 thousand tons of bombs on the enemies.

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