How has practicing Yoga changed your life?

Asanas and Pranyama, have a cleansing and relaxing effect on the body. After regular practice, many find more relaxed and calm state of mind. To mention, many experiences short temper, and practices has changed temperament. Meanwhile yogic poses are holistic for the body, and many often practice sequences, to strengthen weakness.

Many could practice even through different injuries and physical conditions to restore my physical health. Finally, while practicing Yoga Asanas and Pranayama, one is required to be 100% present, and observe, their entire body (not just arms or legs but spread the inherent awareness). Moreover when evaluating the state of body and mind, to make subtle changes for receiving maximum benefit of the pose.

Hence this practice of constant self-study (svadhyaya), has helped me become aware of stress, strain etc., which we need to work on and be considerate of what our body can do instead of forcing our body (leading to injuries) and learn from our failures instead of crying over them. Moreover this practice inculcates Yama and Niyama as well, where we can bring in the Conscious aspects.

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