It's enough to show these to traffic police!

There is a common perception that if caught by traffic police without license, the day will be miserable, and with excessive fines. Riding without license is illegal, however, forgetting the license at home or accidentally failing to take the license also is made a huge mistake in our country, and this will be followed by payment of heavy penalty.

Even if people forget their license and show the digital copy of license, it will not be accepted by the policemen, and they will penalize. However, hereafter this will not be the condition. The central road transport department has ordered that people can use digital copies of their License and RC. They cannot show the cops the normally saved copies in their phone gallery, but they must be displaying their digital copies saved in the digi locker or Parivahan apps. One can download Digi Locker app from Play store, and the license proofs can be saved in this app, and we can save all proof documents in this app.

Similarly Parivahan can also be downloaded and we can save the documents to the app. People caught by traffic cops can show the documents saved in these two apps, and need not be required to pay fines. Even license can be acquired online, through website, where people can apply and get their licenses.

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