Top Gear from Aadi is a complete misfire

At the year's end, Aadi saikumar releases another movie. He's chosen a new role once more, but this one allows him to do action, drama, a little bit of comedy, and romance. Here, the last two are given the lowest importance. The fact that Aadi is doing fine as usual is becoming a significant issue for him. He appears to be happy with his profession and approaches it honestly. There is no push for the following level. He is acting from a place of comfort, and the audience is not being entertained.
Another decent addition to his repertoire is Top Gear, which neither advances nor detracts from the story. Here, riya suman has a glorified cameo part. Although she sings and appears in a few moments, there is nothing noteworthy about her. Without a single promising moment during the few segments, Riya finally becomes forgettable.
A taxi driver named arjun (Aadi Saikumar) lives apart from his or her parents with Adhya and has a modest life. His life changes as he unintentionally becomes involved in a flurry of drug-related transactions. How arjun escapes the chaos is the main focus of the film.

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