Plane left the passenger who asked for help with a bandage..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Plane left the passenger who asked for help with a bandage..!?
A passenger suffering from cancer who boarded an American airlines flight was taken off the plane after asking the flight attendant for help. On january 30, American airlines flight 293 departed from delhi to the United States. A female passenger traveling in it requested help from the flight attendant.
The flight attendant refused to help her and kicked her off the plane. The victim, Meenakshi Sengupta, has filed a complaint with the delhi Police and the Directorate of Civil Aviation. In it, she mentioned that she was undergoing surgery on her legs as a cancer patient, and the flight attendant who refused to help her as she had weak legs behaved very harshly.
 After boarding the plane, she asked the flight attendant to help put her handbag in the cabin above the seat. She refused saying that it was not her job and spoke very harshly, says complainant Meenakshi Sengupta.She is a cancer patient and recently underwent surgery. Everyone on the plane would have known that she had bandaged her legs. The handbag she had was about 5 kg. She asked the maid for help because she couldn't fit it in the overhead cabin.
She says that even the other flight attendants did not come forward to help her. Meenakshi Sengupta was eventually taken off the plane just as it was about to take off. Based on her complaint, the Directorate of Civil Aviation sent a notice to American airlines and asked them to submit a report. In response, American airlines contacted the passenger and said they have refunded the fare. It also said that she was removed from the flight because she did not follow the instructions of the flight attendants.

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