The water bottle costs Rs 44 lakh...!

Sindujaa D N

The most expensive water bottle in the world is on sale. people are shocked to hear the price. Water from both france and fiji, in a 24-carat gold bottle, designed by Fernando Altamirano.

The stuffed bottle has come up for sale. The water is said to give new impetus. The 720 ml bottle of water is priced at Rs 44 lakh. Normally bottles are sold in india for Rs 10 to Rs 20 a litre, this type of purified drinking water costs around Rs. 113, in the united states Rs. 81, in sri lanka Rs. 25, in pakistan Rs. 17, in nepal Rs. Sold for over 15.

The so-called best brands of purified drinking water cost Rs. It sells for 30 to 40, which is what many ordinary indians have in their mouths. 750 ml of the most expensive drinking water in the world. They would be stunned to hear that the price of a bottle in india is around Rs 44 lakh.

Packaged drinking water, we have heard more and more about mineral water, we do not know much about the water available from a natural spring called spring water. Natural spring water available in various parts of the world is bottled and sold directly from the well there.

Naturally occurring water filtered through ancient volcanic rocks on Mount Fuji in Japan.  The drinking water, which has been on sale since 2005, is 750 ml. Price Rs. 365. 

750 ml. The world's most expensive drinking water, which sells for about 44 lakh rupees. The water comes from a natural spring in fiji and france and is housed in a 24-carat gold bottle. It is said to be the best water of all, but it is sold at a higher price for the bottle that holds it.

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