Sakshi Agarwal works out in the rain - Hot Viral Pics

On december 30 and 31, chennai received unexpected rainfall, which was unusual. While the torrential rains caused havoc with water-logging and long hours on the road, they also made the weather a lot cooler. While most of them preferred to stay at home, curled up in their mattresses, actress sakshi agarwal didn't skip a beat. On the patio, she completed her training routine.

She captioned a video of the same with, "It's Raining"- It's not an excuse! - It's a Test of Willpower. "Exercising in the rain can help you work harder and burn more fat," according to research. Her motivation came from an article in a major news outlet about "going for a run in the rain." sakshi informs us, "Working out in the rain was a fantastic experience that helped me relax.

It left me feeling revitalized after my workout. It aids in the burning of more calories and fat by requiring us to use more energy in order to move our bodies. It also makes you more adaptable and versatile. Having said that, one must also be cautious in their movements. It is possible to skid in the rain. As a result, we must be powerful on our feet." But doesn't working in the rain give you a cold? "We, as actors, have to work under extremely difficult circumstances. It wasn't a major issue for me. Until today, I've been perfectly fine. Even so, we've spent many hours as children playing in the rain. But there are things that must be done every now and then "she continues.

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