Massive Chariot crashes during festival...

S Venkateshwari
Massive Chariot crashes during festival...

Karnataka: During a festival at the Veerabhadreshwara temple in Channappanapura village in Chamarajanagar, devotees narrowly avoided injury when a temple chariot fell over due to a damaged wheel while it was being carried by them.

During a festival in the Veerabhadreshwara temple, a temple chariot fell due to a broken wheel. After which there was a stampede.A shocking accident has happened in Channappanpura village of Chamarajanagar. During a festival in the village's Veerabhadreshwara temple, a temple chariot fell due to a broken wheel. The devotees narrowly survived in this accident. The video of the fall of the chariot is going viral on social media during this time.

Veerabhadreshwara temple is located in Chanappanpura village of Chamarajanagar district. The chariot was taken out by the devotees as part of the chariot festival celebrated in the month of Kartik. There have been no casualties associated with the incident.This temple dedicated to lord shiva is said to be more than a thousand years old. According to mythological accounts, the temple was built in honor of lord shiva, who killed the demon Dakshabrahma. At the Veerabhadreshwara temple festival on Tuesday, a temple chariot that had a broken wheel fell over, just missing the pilgrims.

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