Light, Fluffy and Super Soft Cotton Candy Planet:

Balasahana Suresh
Light, Fluffy and Super Soft Cotton Candy Planet:

New findings have been obtained about the ‘super soft’ cotton candy-like planet called ‘WASP-193b’, discovered by the US Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) in 2023.
‘WASP-193b’, which appears to be as fluffy and light as cotton candy, was discovered in 2023 by the Wide Angle Planet search (WASP), a collaboration of international scientists searching for planets outside our solar system.
The planet discovered by the team led by astronomer Khalid Barkaoui from the university of Liège in belgium was named ‘WASP-193b’.
Initial findings indicated that the ‘Cotton Candy Exoplanet’ was 1232 light years away from Earth. Although it was larger than the Earth and even Jupiter, its low density and lightness attracted attention.
It was also known that the planet, which was not known how it was formed or what it was made of, had an extremely hot temperature and moved at high speed.
It is suspected that ‘WASP-193b’ is a gas giant exoplanet orbiting an F-type star, composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, like most of the other gas giants in the galaxy.
We call the planet super-puffy because it consists mostly of light gases rather than solids,’ says astronomer Khalid Barkaoui of the Massachusetts Institute of technology (MIT). said.
Said to be as light as cotton candy, the massive ‘super soft’ planet is approximately one and a half (1,464) times the data-size of Jupiter. However, it was recorded as the second least dense planet discovered so far.
‘We cannot explain how this planet was formed,’ said astronomer Francisco Pozuelos of the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics. He stated that scientists need to look ‘closer at the atmosphere’ to get more answers.
The time for the planet ‘WASP-193b’ to complete one orbit of its star was determined as 6.2 days.

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