10th Grade Gujarati Becomes Millionaire in the U.S.

10th Grade Gujarati Becomes Millionaire in the U.S.

Known for their entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen, Gujaratis have made a notable impact both in india and abroad. A remarkable story has emerged from the United States, where a Gujarati man with only a 10th-grade education has become a millionaire through shrewd investments and business strategies.
An X user named sunil shared this inspiring story, highlighting how his friend, a patel in his forties who only completed 10th grade, achieved financial success. Sunil, an engineer with a master’s degree, recounted a conversation about business ventures. He mentioned that Peter Thiel had stated that opening a restaurant is one of the riskiest businesses due to its high failure rate and unpredictable customers.
In response, patel, who was unfamiliar with Peter Thiel, dismissed this advice. He believed that opening a restaurant was a surefire way to become a millionaire. Patel’s reasoning was based on his large network of Gujarati families in New Jersey, who would frequent his restaurant for authentic Gujarati cuisine.
Sunil elaborated on Patel’s customer base, noting that many Gujaratis from New York and pennsylvania hire tourist buses to visit the Swaminarayan temple in Robbinsville. On their way, they stop at Patel’s restaurant for a delicious Gujarati thali, bringing in 50-75 people per bus.
According to Sunil, Patel’s business model is simple yet effective: open the restaurant in the morning, serve traditional dishes like dal, chawal, sabzi, roti, dhokla, and tea for ten years, and build wealth in the process.
Sunil concluded, “This is a 10th-grade immigrant for you—no MBA, no podcasts, just common sense, intuition, and the ability to take calculated risks.”

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